Retaining SaaS subscribers is crucial for business growth. This blog explores 8 proven strategies, including communicating a clear value proposition, offering free trials, seamless onboarding, personalization, gamification, user feedback integration, community building, and mobile optimization, to enhance user engagement and boost subscription rates for your SaaS product.

Yash Bhatt


Preksha Kharidia


SaaS products (Software as a Service) have transformed the way businesses operate, offering convenience, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, with the increasing competition in the SaaS market, it’s crucial to implement effective strategies to attract and retain subscribers. While solving the design problems and working with the marketing and customer success teams of different SaaS products, we identified the following strategies that can improve user engagement and subscriptions for your SaaS product.

Effective strategies to attract and retain subscribers

1. Clear Value Proposition

A clear and compelling value proposition is essential to attract potential customers. Clearly articulate the value proposition and advantages of your SaaS product. Highlight how it solves specific problems, streamlines processes, or improves productivity.

Ensure that your value proposition is concise and is communicated everywhere clearly. On your websites, in your marketing materials and throughout your UX. By effectively conveying the value your product offers, you can capture the attention and interest of your target audience, increasing conversion rates and maximising the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

The image from the Slack website illustrates how they communicate their value proposition. Some key points about Slack's value proposition presented on the page:1. The headline "Made for people. Built for productivity." succinctly conveys that Slack is designed to help teams work more efficiently in a user-friendly way.2. The call-to-action buttons "Sign up with email address" and "Sign up with Google" make it easy for visitors to get started.3. The screenshot shows the Slack interface with features like channels, direct messages, file sharing, and app integrations. This gives a concrete preview of the product's capabilities.4. Text blocks highlight benefits like "Move faster with your tools in one place", explaining how Slack's integrations boost productivity by centralizing workflows.5. The "Choose how you want to work" section emphasizes Slack's flexibility in adapting to various work styles and team setups, from audio/video communication to a focus on asynchronous collaboration.6."Bring your team together" positions Slack as an all-in-one hub for teamwork and employee engagement, with secure channels that connect distributed teams.
The image from the Slack website illustrates how they communicate their value proposition. Some key points about Slack's value proposition presented on the page:1. The headline "Made for people. Built for productivity." succinctly conveys that Slack is designed to help teams work more efficiently in a user-friendly way.2. The call-to-action buttons "Sign up with email address" and "Sign up with Google" make it easy for visitors to get started.3. The screenshot shows the Slack interface with features like channels, direct messages, file sharing, and app integrations. This gives a concrete preview of the product's capabilities.4. Text blocks highlight benefits like "Move faster with your tools in one place", explaining how Slack's integrations boost productivity by centralizing workflows.5. The "Choose how you want to work" section emphasizes Slack's flexibility in adapting to various work styles and team setups, from audio/video communication to a focus on asynchronous collaboration.6."Bring your team together" positions Slack as an all-in-one hub for teamwork and employee engagement, with secure channels that connect distributed teams.

2. Free trial or Demo

Offer a free trial or demo version of your SaaS product. It allows the users to experience the full functionality of your software for a limited period. This is an effective way to showcase its capabilities and entice potential customers. Ensure that the trial or demo period is long enough for users to explore its features and benefits, shortening the time to first value (TTFV).

During this time, actively engage with users, provide support, and address any concerns. A free trial or demo enables users to make an informed decision, increasing the likelihood of converting them into paying subscribers and reducing customer acquisition costs (CAC).

Asana offers a free 30-day trial so users can fully experience the product before subscribing.

The image shows Asana's pricing page, which outlines three subscription plans for their work organization software: Personal (free), Starter ($10.99/user/month), and Advanced ($24.99/user/month). The page header reads "Easily organize your work. Start free." and allows selecting plans for either individuals/small teams or businesses/enterprises. Each plan lists key features included, such as number of collaborators, timeline view, and goals.
The image shows Asana's pricing page, which outlines three subscription plans for their work organization software: Personal (free), Starter ($10.99/user/month), and Advanced ($24.99/user/month). The page header reads "Easily organize your work. Start free." and allows selecting plans for either individuals/small teams or businesses/enterprises. Each plan lists key features included, such as number of collaborators, timeline view, and goals.

3. Onboarding and Training

Smooth onboarding and training processes are crucial for user adoption and retention. Provide comprehensive onboarding materials, tutorials, and guides to help users understand how to use your software effectively. Offer interactive training sessions, webinars, or video tutorials to educate users about advanced features and best practices.

Invest in user-friendly UI design and intuitive design to enhance the user experience. Provide the users with knowledge and skills to maximise the value of your SaaS product. This helps you in improving customer satisfaction and increasing subscription rates, boosting the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

Notion is a good example to refer to when it comes to understanding the impact of onboarding. It encourages actively exploring and practising on the prebuilt pages to build confidence with the product. Their onboarding flow is designed as a to-do list on a private Notion page. Users are encouraged to play, test, and learn by discovering interactive hover states with more detailed walk-throughs.

The image shows a screenshot of the "Get Started" page for a service called "ReallyGoodUX". The page contains a cartoon illustration of a person along with the message "One last thing! We added a few templates we think you might like. Check them out!"Below the message is a list of actions the user can take to get started with the service, such as creating an account, adding a new line, dragging a button to reorder items, right-clicking to delete something, and creating subpages inside a page.
The image shows a screenshot of the "Get Started" page for a service called "ReallyGoodUX". The page contains a cartoon illustration of a person along with the message "One last thing! We added a few templates we think you might like. Check them out!"Below the message is a list of actions the user can take to get started with the service, such as creating an account, adding a new line, dragging a button to reorder items, right-clicking to delete something, and creating subpages inside a page.

4. Personalisation

Personalisation is key to creating a tailored experience that resonates with your users, driving feature adoption and increasing retention. Leverage customer data and preferences to provide personalised recommendations, content, and communication. Customise the UI and dashboards to reflect individual preferences or roles.

Implement features that allow users to personalise their settings and workflows. By offering a personalised experience, you can make users feel valued, and foster long-term relationships that translate into higher subscription rates and reduced churn.

Implement features that allow users to personalise their settings and workflows. By offering a personalised experience, you can make users feel valued, and foster long-term relationships that translate into higher subscription rates and reduced churn. 

HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing, sales, and customer service software, provides a personalised onboarding experience tailored to each user's role and goals. When a new user signs up for HubSpot, they are prompted to select their role (e.g., marketer, salesperson, or customer service representative) and their primary objectives (e.g., generating leads, closing deals, or managing customer inquiries). Based on this information, HubSpot customises the onboarding process to focus on the features and best practices most relevant to the user's needs.

The image shows Hubspot's recommendation to start with a Sales template based on the user's profile. The user is prompted to decide what to set up first among Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service.Below that, the user can choose from a list of Sales template options, including tracking sales pipeline, managing prospects, managing companies or accounts, managing customers, managing renewals, and managing partners.At the bottom, there are buttons to apply the template and set up manually instead. A graph visualization shows the sales pipeline stages.
The image shows Hubspot's recommendation to start with a Sales template based on the user's profile. The user is prompted to decide what to set up first among Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service.Below that, the user can choose from a list of Sales template options, including tracking sales pipeline, managing prospects, managing companies or accounts, managing customers, managing renewals, and managing partners.At the bottom, there are buttons to apply the template and set up manually instead. A graph visualization shows the sales pipeline stages.

5. Gamification‍

Gamification techniques can make the user experience more engaging and increase user retention. Incorporate game-like elements, such as points, badges, leaderboards, or progress tracking, into your SaaS product. Encourage users to achieve specific milestones or goals, rewarding their accomplishments.

Gamification can enhance user motivation, drive healthy competition, and promote a sense of achievement. By leveraging gamification, you can create a captivating experience that encourages users to continue their subscriptions and become brand advocates, positively impacting customer acquisition costs (CAC) and the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

Duolingo, a popular language learning app, is known for its effective use of gamification throughout the user experience, including the onboarding process. As users complete these onboarding tasks, they earn experience points (XP), virtual coins, and achievements. These rewards not only provide a sense of progress and accomplishment but also unlock new features and content within the app.

The image shows several screenshots from the Duolingo language learning app, demonstrating how it uses gamification elements to engage users.The screens include:- A daily streak tracking screen showing the user has completed 1 day in a row- An avatar selection screen where the user can choose a cartoon avatar- An achievements screen showing the user has unlocked a "What do you hear?" listening exercise- A language skill tree showing the user's progress, with completed lessons marked in green- A lesson complete screen awarding the user gems and experience points for finishing a lesson- A screen streak tracking screen rewarding the user for practicing each day- A screen notifying the user they've unlocked a gift for completing a practice session without using hints- A profile screen showing the user has earned 11 gems so far
The image shows several screenshots from the Duolingo language learning app, demonstrating how it uses gamification elements to engage users.The screens include:- A daily streak tracking screen showing the user has completed 1 day in a row- An avatar selection screen where the user can choose a cartoon avatar- An achievements screen showing the user has unlocked a "What do you hear?" listening exercise- A language skill tree showing the user's progress, with completed lessons marked in green- A lesson complete screen awarding the user gems and experience points for finishing a lesson- A screen streak tracking screen rewarding the user for practicing each day- A screen notifying the user they've unlocked a gift for completing a practice session without using hints- A profile screen showing the user has earned 11 gems so far

6. User feedback‍

Actively seeking and including user feedback is crucial for improving your SaaS product and increasing customer satisfaction. Provide channels for users to provide feedback, such as surveys, feedback forms, or user communities. Regularly review and analyse feedback to identify areas for improvement and address pain points, ensuring a better time to first value (TTFV) and higher feature adoption.

Acknowledge their feedback and provide updates on how you are addressing their concerns. By actively involving users in the product development process, you can create a sense of ownership and loyalty. This in turn would lead to higher subscription rates.

Calendly, like many successful SaaS platforms, understands the importance of collecting user feedback to continuously improve its product and user experience. They strategically use in-app messaging to gather valuable insights and suggestions from their users.

The image shows a user feedback survey from Calendly, a scheduling software tool. The survey asks "How was your experience using this page?" and provides a 5-point emoji scale ranging from an angry face to a happy smiling face.
The image shows a user feedback survey from Calendly, a scheduling software tool. The survey asks "How was your experience using this page?" and provides a 5-point emoji scale ranging from an angry face to a happy smiling face.

7. Community building

Building a community around your SaaS product can create a sense of belonging and foster customer loyalty. Establish a platform for users to connect, share insights, and exchange best practices. Encourage user-generated content, such as testimonials, case studies, or success stories, to showcase the real-world impact of your software.

Organise user events, webinars, or forums to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing. By nurturing a vibrant community, you can strengthen customer relationships, drive referrals, and attract new subscriptions.

Miro, an online collaborative whiteboarding platform, has built a vibrant user community called "Miro Community." It serves as a platform for users to connect, share ideas, and learn from each other. Miro hosts events, webinars, and challenges to foster user engagement and loyalty.

The image is from the website of a company called Miro, which provides an online collaboration platform. The text welcomes users to the "Miro Community" and encourages them to connect, learn and grow together with collaborators from around the world.The image highlights Miroverse, which appears to be a collection of over 2,500 templates made by and for the Miro community that users can explore, adopt and save to jumpstart their own projects. Several example template categories are shown, like Icebreaker Template, Team Meeting Agenda Template, and more.
The image is from the website of a company called Miro, which provides an online collaboration platform. The text welcomes users to the "Miro Community" and encourages them to connect, learn and grow together with collaborators from around the world.The image highlights Miroverse, which appears to be a collection of over 2,500 templates made by and for the Miro community that users can explore, adopt and save to jumpstart their own projects. Several example template categories are shown, like Icebreaker Template, Team Meeting Agenda Template, and more.

8. Mobile optimisation

In today’s mobile-driven world, optimising your SaaS product for mobile devices with a SaaS application. Ensure that your software is responsive and provides a seamless experience across different screen sizes and operating systems. Mobile optimisation allows users to access your SaaS product on the go, increasing convenience and user engagement.

Implement mobile-specific features, such as push notifications or offline capabilities, to enhance the mobile user experience. By prioritising mobile optimization, you can expand your reach, attract new subscribers, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Zendesk, a customer service and support ticketing system, provides a fully optimised mobile experience through their native mobile apps. Users can manage and respond to customer inquiries on the go, ensuring seamless access to the SaaS product from any device.

The image shows mobile app screenshots that demonstrate how Zendesk optimises their user experience for mobile devices.The three screenshots highlight key aspects of effective mobile UX design:1. Staying productive with all ticket details easily accessible on the mobile screen, allowing support agents to manage their queue on-the-go.2. Intuitively managing conversations through a familiar chat-like interface, including multimedia support.3. Easily engaging across all channels, with the app providing quick access to internal notes, WhatsApp, Facebook, Email and more, enabling omnichannel support.
The image shows mobile app screenshots that demonstrate how Zendesk optimises their user experience for mobile devices.The three screenshots highlight key aspects of effective mobile UX design:1. Staying productive with all ticket details easily accessible on the mobile screen, allowing support agents to manage their queue on-the-go.2. Intuitively managing conversations through a familiar chat-like interface, including multimedia support.3. Easily engaging across all channels, with the app providing quick access to internal notes, WhatsApp, Facebook, Email and more, enabling omnichannel support.


Increasing SaaS subscriptions requires a combination of strategic approaches and customer-centric practices. By implementing these few strategies, you can significantly improve your chances of attracting and retaining subscribers.

By consistently enhancing your SaaS product and focusing on customer success, you can drive subscription growth. This helps you position your business for long-term success in the competitive SaaS market.

For more insights tailored to the SaaS industry, explore our specialised SaaS solutions.

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